Tickets Accomodation Misty Waters Second Artist Announcement Howzit Misty fans! It’s been a couple of weeks since we released our first artist announcement. We sure hope some of those names were tanta [more]
It took us a little longer than we had hoped, but man oh man we made it! Misty Waters Music Festival 2025 planning is underway and we’re getting ready to rock like the good old days. We’re talking Mic [more]
Discover the Benefits of a Full-Body Coffee Scrub at Mvua Wellness Spa Mvua Wellness Spa is excited to introduce a new addition to our treatment offerings: the full-body coffee scrub. Coffee scrubs ha [more]
Johannesburg based jazz impresario and musician, Anthony Yoko, has just returned from a series of successful concerts in Europe with Dutch and Belgian musicians, of which one concert in particular rai [more]
Die eerste Umuzi Kunstefees in Secunda het al ons verwagtinge oortref! Ons opregte dank aan elke feesganger, kunstenaar en ondersteuner vir julle entoesiasme en passie vir die kunste. Sonder julle sou [more]
Liewe Heksie kom kuier by Umuzi Kunstefees Vanaf 4 tot 7 Julie vind Umuzi Kunstefees plaas by Lake Umuzi Waterfront. Met van die land se top produksies wat te siene gaan wees. Die jongspan word bederf [more]
Misty Waters Music Festival 2024 – Quick Little Long Recap I am still not over Misty Waters 2024 and I think it might take a while to fully shake off the Misty blues. This year surpassed all expectati [more]
Hope humor op verhoë by Secunda-kunstefees As jy nie genoeg van Lizz Meiring kan kry nie, het die Umuzi Kunstefees baie goeie nuus. Sy gaan twee eenvroustukke by dié splinternuwe fees in Secunda opvoe [more]
Dorp kry sy eie ‘n kunstefees Mpumalanga kry vanjaar tydens die wintervakansie nog ‘n kunstefees by – in Secunda. Die Umuzi-Kunstefees, wat die gemeenskap sover moontlik gaan betrek en wat selfs van s [more]
Why attend Misty Waters Music Festival when there are so many other festivals in South Africa to choose from? That is the question we’re sure many have asked themselves. First things first, I think am [more]